Messina online newspaper of Messina and Province. Everyday pubblish several articles of politics, repots, sports and much more.
The old web site was difficul to read, not responsive and widthout a an advertising system. No returned visitors, no elements to interact the user. Bad design and interface
1) Analize google data
2) Developed personas
3) Wireframe in responsive way
4) Design and code the interface (html css)
5) Testing
The web site has a new look and structure. Directly from homepage is possible to see all news of every category (politics, sport etc.). The interface is responsive and is possible to decide witch content will be displaied on mobile, pc or both to increase the experience of the user depending witch devices is using. Analitycs shows an increment of 20% 30% every month and moslty are returned visitors.
Through a system of filters the site organizes bannner dynamically adapting the banner size, rotating them randomly. Thanks to an internal report, you can see the number of views of each banner so as to provide data to its customers. The system also recognizes the skin Advertising (advertising background full screen) and dynamically move the header down if there is such advertising.
Stakeholder analysis
Workflow diagram